Time After Time (Anime Music Video)

I fell in love with The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and needed to make an AMV to it. When I heard Quietdrive's cover of Time After Time, I knew I found my song. Spoilers ahead so watch the movie first, you won't regret it!

Honorable Mention Anime Iowa 2010
Competed in the Drama/Romance Category at Fanime 2010

Video Links:
AnimeMusicVideos.org (Direct Download)

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AMV: Worship at Full Volume (WAFV)

A labor of love if there ever was one. Started two years ago, I joined this project a year in to work with a friend on completing this ambitious multi-editor project. Congratulations to all the editors who contributed to the video and to Osakaisthebomb and Hagaren Viper for all their hard work leading the charge and putting it together! I edited 2 tracks (one at 5:35 and the other at 8:48) under the name Momoko17.

(After the video is a list of all the contributing editors, please support them and check out their other amazing videos!)

Contributing Editors: Hagaren Viper, AllyKatAVR, CodeZTM, Inan, Kazemon15, LeapofFate, Osakaisthebomb, nevergreen and pyrolord

Video Links:
AnimeMusicVideos.org (Direct Download)

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