UPDATE 06.07.2014: Sadly, my home of almost two decades, cherry-land.net, is no more, as the hosting company unexpectedly ceased to be and took my entire website with it. :(

Anyway, that means the new Whombus Films has disappeared into the ether, and now I've got to resurrect it... again. But I'm doing it right this time at: WhombusFilms.com, yet another new (and hopefully permanent) home for my film stuff and the like.

But for right now, to see my videos, please visit my personal portfolio at:  http://www.laurenwinsorstenmoe.com/

Stay Tuned...
xoxo, Momo

PS: I was at least able to somewhat salvage Cherry-Land.net, isn't that spectacular? One of the few benefits of the fact that nothing ever really gets deleted from the internet. :D


Please pardon the mess, Whombus Films is moving! Check out the new website at:

http://www.WhombusFilms.com/ (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Or visit my personal portfolio at: http://www.laurenwinsorstenmoe.com/

Thanks for visiting! *^_^*

Iron Editor 2010 (Anime Iowa)

Starting at midnight, four editors were given six hours to make an anime music video. We could bring in up to 8 hours of footage, but the song was a total mystery. This year, we were given and extra challenge: we would be making an MEP or a Multi-Editor Project. Each of us would be given part of the song and all our videos would be compiled into one. Whichever part was voted the best, wins. Shockingly, that was my piece.

Many thanks to Pyrolord for running such an amazing contest plus compiling the video so seemlessly. And please do check out the video of the incredible editors I got to work with: Kugs, Anime Faerie and Everfire!

WINNER Iron Editor Anime Iowa 2010

Video Links:
AnimeMusicVideos.org (Direct Download)

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CHOW Tips: Vegetarianized.com

Edited two CHOW Tips with vegetarian blogger Adrienne Capps at Vegetarianized.com. I'm so excited to try the ketchup at home!

My Life on the Crazy Train Sucks (Anime Music Video)

I heard the song byDan Mei and Marc Johnce of DMF (Danish-German Mashup Forces), My Life on the Crazy Train Sucks on The Best of Bootie 2009 mashup album and became consumed with the idea of making this video with FLCL (Fooly Cooly). I couldn't have had more fun if I tried working on it. :) But be warned: spoilers ahead!

WINNER Best in Show Anime Iowa 2010
WINNER Category X Anime Iowa 2010
2nd Place Viewer's Choice Award Anime Iowa 2010

Video Links:
AnimeMusicVideos.org (Direct Download)

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(Affiliate Links)

Supertaster: IHOP's Cheesecake-Filled Pancakes (CHOW.com)

Edited my first Supertaster video for CHOW! It couldn't have been more fun... James Norton is such a kick and it was filmed near my old stomping grounds.

Time After Time (Anime Music Video)

I fell in love with The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and needed to make an AMV to it. When I heard Quietdrive's cover of Time After Time, I knew I found my song. Spoilers ahead so watch the movie first, you won't regret it!

Honorable Mention Anime Iowa 2010
Competed in the Drama/Romance Category at Fanime 2010

Video Links:
AnimeMusicVideos.org (Direct Download)

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AMV: Worship at Full Volume (WAFV)

A labor of love if there ever was one. Started two years ago, I joined this project a year in to work with a friend on completing this ambitious multi-editor project. Congratulations to all the editors who contributed to the video and to Osakaisthebomb and Hagaren Viper for all their hard work leading the charge and putting it together! I edited 2 tracks (one at 5:35 and the other at 8:48) under the name Momoko17.

(After the video is a list of all the contributing editors, please support them and check out their other amazing videos!)

Contributing Editors: Hagaren Viper, AllyKatAVR, CodeZTM, Inan, Kazemon15, LeapofFate, Osakaisthebomb, nevergreen and pyrolord

Video Links:
AnimeMusicVideos.org (Direct Download)

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